Practice Area > Workers Compensation

Federal and state
Workers' Compensation (sometimes called workers comp, workman's comp or workmen's compensation) laws were created to ensure that employees who are injured on the job are provided with fixed monetary awards. This eliminates the need for litigation and creates an easier process for the employee. It also helps control the financial risks for employers since many states limit the amount an injured employee can recover from an employer. Specifically, workers' compensation is insurance that the employer is required by law to carry in case an employee is injured on the job, becomes ill due to circumstances surrounding their job, becomes temporarily or permanently disabled, or even if death results from their job. All employers who have 4 or more part-time or full-time employees must provide workers' compensation insurance. It's the law in all 50 states.
Although workers compensation laws vary state to state, covered medical care generally includes: medical, surgical and hospital services, dental services, crutches, hearing aids, chiropractic treatment, physical therapy, nursing care, and prescribed medications. You may also be eligible for additional monetary compensation if you are temporarily unable to work for more than a certain number of calendar days set by state law, hospitalized as an in-patient, or become permanently disabled due to a job-related injury or illness. The right to receive medical treatment at the employer's expense typically continues as long as treatment is reasonable and necessary to treat the injury.